Additional Dashboard Type
I would like to create a simple red light / green light dashboard that I can present to other people within our company. The purpose is to show a red or green light for the status of a VPN tunnel. Obviously red means bad, green means good.
In our environment we have many VPN tunnels to Company A, B, C.. etc and each VPN tunnel has a Cisco IP SLA tracker that pings across it to verify bi directional traffic flow. We have a lot of developers who need to be able to use/test Company's A hardware on Company A's VPN tunnel; and Company's B hardware on Company B's VPN tunnel.. etc. From time to time these VPN tunnels go down for various reasons and I'm asked quite frequently to "check if the VPN tunnel is up".
I would love for LogicMonitor to be able to create a dashboard that would could be a customizable status page, and give that page to the developers to check vs asking me. Something like AWS's status console ( where the green light / red light is an arbitrary datapoint. I would like to remove a lot of the details that a comparable dashboard would have today and boil it right down to a custom text field (because let's face it.. a developer does not want to decipher that the datapoint "Timeout for Cisco IP SLA 123 on router ABC is 2" means that the VPN tunnel to Company A is down).
As an aded bonus, if there was a way to create a 'yellow light' showing degraded service would be cool too. We have one piece of hardware that requires that Company X, Y, and Z's vpn tunnel to be up. So if X drops, but Y and Z are up, show yellow.. that type of thing.
I'm going to look into creating something with in the meantime, but I think this is a valuable feature request.