Forum Discussion

mnagel's avatar
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8 years ago

add bulk operations to groovy Snmp

We have found cases where the default SNMP AD method is woefully inadequate (e.g., try to discover interfaces on a Cisco ISR4K with voice enabled; you will discover no interfaces and get no indication this has failed due to the full ifTable download taking way way too long).  To workaround this, we plan to convert the interface AD to a script, but found the SNMP library provided does not support bulk operations (or they are undocumented).  Can these please be added?  If not, will look into something like as an alternative via Grape.  Not sure yet how well that handles SNMP version abstraction, which is a nice feature of the LM library.  Ideally we could get the bulk operations included in the LM library.


  • Yeah -- we've come across this issue ourselves, and have thought about GETBULK -- but haven't yet prioritized it. We'll see if we can make it happen shortly.
