Ability to toggle User Status to Active or Suspend on a schedule or on demand
We would like the ability to easily schedule people's time off in advance or on-demand, with an alternate user to be alerted if necessary.
Use Case #1 - John takes a vacation. In order to suppress alerts going to John the way things work now, we need to suspend his user account. John returns from vacation, we have to remember to re-active his account, which we've forgotten on occasion. This might work similar to a Device SDT.
Use case #2 - Mary works Monday - Thursday, 10 hours per day. Dave works Thursday - Sunday, 8 hours per day. Neither person needs to receive alerts on their time off.
Use case #3 - Bill is out sick. All of Bill's alerts should go instead to Larry until Bill returns to work.
Thank you for considering this.
Bruce Berger
Ostari, Inc