Ability to subtract measurements taken during scheduled downtime (SDT) from Service Level Availability (SLA) report
As a service provider, our customer ask us to provide SLA reporting around our ability to meet our contracts. However, the customer has the option to schedule downtime for a service so that upgrades and other routine maintenance tasks may happen. These may cause a service outage. Unfortunately, the SLA reporting feature in LogicMonitor does not provide the ability to take into account whether or not an outage of a service happened during a scheduled downtime. This causes our service uptime numbers to be skewed unfavorably when routine maintenance causes a known outage.
However, we also like the ability to be able to report our service level \'\'as the end user sees it\'\' which would exclude whether or not the service was in SDT. Since both use cases are valid, we would like the ability to run our reports both ways - one with excluding measurements taken during a SDT (new feature), and one with including measurements taken duren SDT (current behavior).