Forum Discussion

Stephen_Owen's avatar
10 years ago

Ability to request a report from the REST API

Hi guys,

Using Fiddler, I've been able to determine that when I click a button to request a report be created from within LogicMonitor from the browser, that a Rest Interface is called which will trigger the report, and return the filename and URL of the report.

Being able to trigger this via cUrl would be awesome and really help our MSP intergate logicmonitor even further. However, I'm getting an invalid Verb Error message when I attempt to do this with a privileged account, which makes me think that this end point has not yet been approved for public use.

How can I get on that band wagon to help test this out? It's there, I can see it, I just can't use it... :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

Please let me use it :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> Our organization already loves your product and I've been called in to help script this last mile to make things work for our clients. Thanks a lot!

Stephen Owen

Microsoft PowerShell MVP

  • I did the same thing. You are correct, many of the new API's are blocked from public use for now, tech support confirmed.

    I was told that they are trying to wait until the new UI is fully matured before permitting access to the API's, because they're still changing a bit as the UI evolves. Still, seems like we're getting pretty close.

    Also, at this point, I don't mind if the REST API changes. Please just permit access now and publish changes as they are made. We need the functionality.