Forum Discussion

Allen_Chan's avatar
10 years ago

Ability to create a datasource on other datasource's datapoints

Dashboards have a great feature of being able to aggregately sum up a bunch of datapoints together.

It would be great to have such functionality in datasources.

In my use case I have a common resource ( SIP trunk) that is used by many (hundreds) of telephony servers. Each server just knows how much it uses of that SIP trunk. I use dashboard to aggregately sum of all the telephony servers data to calculate total utilization of the SIP trunk. This is great in a graph but there is no way to alarm on this data.

So in this case i want to be able to:

Create OverallSIPTrunkUtilization- datasource, i would do a regex of telephony0**.domain and SIPTrunkUtilization- datasource to capture all my telephony servers data into a datasource for threshold.

Now I can create a groovy script to 1) find out all my telephony servers 2) reach out to get each one of their data 3) add them all together

However i do not believe there is any way for this script to run before the timeout period is over. I figure since Logicmonitor already collected this data that the overall on logicmonitor\'s side would be lower

Hope that made sense.