Forum Discussion

Mark_Geraghty's avatar
10 years ago

A way to spot check monitor functionality each morning?

A way to spot check monitor functionality each morning? We are trying to come up with ideas to do this, because one morning we found a production cluster not monitoring, and we were not alerted about it. I am familiar with "alert if no data received" for any particular datasource, but is there a way to do a more broad check automatically?

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  • By default, there are alerts if a device stops responding to WMI, or SNMP, etc. (And ping, obviously.)

    What kind of device was it?

  • We have many SNMP DataSources.  For us, we do not alert on "no data" except for one purpose-built dataPoint we call SNMPHealthCheck which *does* alert if no data.  That way, it can signal to us that SNMP may be in trouble vs. the monitored resource.