8 years ago
A list of different feature requests (from a daily user)
Hello everyone!
Here is my list of different feature requests I've been collecting for a couple of weeks. I've been using LM on a daily basis for about 6 months now. The list will eventually grow as I keep noticing what is missing and what could be better. :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">
- - Collector: (Manage Collector -> Support -> Collector Events) "Collector Events" refresh button
- - Schedule options eg. "run on every month's 2nd Tuesday" or "Run on every months last Thursday"
- - Collector failover: Failover options within a pool of collectors not just 1. Eg. Failover with Pool1, Pool2 etc...
- - status.logicmonitor.com should use HTTPS. That would also allow us to add the site to our dashboards (html). Alternatively there could be a widget for this information?
- - Alerts counter in browser's tab subject. Eg. "(26) LogicMonitor - Company Ltd - alerts...."
- - For now it is not possible to create a scheduled report including portal wide customers and devices so that in each line is the name of the customer and the total number of it's devices.
- - Reports: -> Properies (below DataSources) -> Property Name... Property Names should be 'draggable' so that we could arrange them without a need to first remove then re-add the same Property back
- - Ability to prevent DataSource updates for specific DataSources. EG warning message or something. Creating clones is one way but the 'original' ones are still overwiriting the 'filter' setting.
- - More option for graphs' "Default time range". At the moment there is too large jump from 5h to 1 day/24h with no options in between. 12h?
- Escalation Chains: Stage 1, Stage 2 etc... There should be way how to 'avoid' Stage 1 so that Stage 2 receives alerts only if they are longer than the escalation time limit. In this case we could use Stage 1 with some delay/option eg. 'receive Error alerts only if they last 24h or longer'.
Feel free to comment and/or add your additional ideas. :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">