Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
4 years ago

2021-09-08 US Product Overview - LogicModules

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Questions asked:

Q: What is the difference between collect every ?? and Discovery Schedule?? Are these both polling? [Answered at 24:51]

Q: What scripting languages can be used with LogicMonitor. I saw groovy but is there support for python and others? [Answered at 26:26]

Q: Is there a way to just send data output from scripts in json or XML and feed it directly (obviously you need some way to tell LM how to decode it) [Answered at 29:12]

Also asked through the chat (sorry I didn't see this during the webinar, I don't often get the messages in the chat until after the webinar is over): I am responsible for reporting on data gathered by the collectors. I am having trouble find the reports I need to create. When I go into Logs I do not see any data.

Q: How does one export the threshold configuration for all devices?
A: Through an Alerts Threshold Report.

Q: How does one gather database uptime/availability per month?
A: Through a Resource Metrics Trends Report. Requires that you be monitoring the uptime of the database. You can summarize the entire timeframe of the report by choosing the sum or average (depending on if you're measuring uptime in seconds or percent).

Q: How does one gather worst performing queries/transactions in a database per month?
A: This kind of data isn't well monitored by a poll/response type monitoring solution. Instead, you might consider our Application Performance Monitoring capability (reach out to your CSM for details) or possibly Push metrics.

Q: How does one gather device uptime/availability per month?
A: Through a Resource Metrics Trends Report. Requires that you be monitoring the uptime of the device. You can summarize the entire timeframe of the report by choosing the sum or average (depending on if you're measuring uptime in seconds or percent).

Q: How does one gather average and spike for CPU and memory per month?
A: Through a Resource Metrics Trends Report. Requires that you be monitoring the CPU/memory of the device. You can summarize the entire timeframe of the report by choosing the max and average CPU/memory utilization

Q: Can some roles prevent one from gathering data/running reports? 
A: Yes, a user's Role must have the "Manage" capability on at least one group in order to create/modify reports in that group.