Q&A Transcript:
[4:38] Hi Stuart!! I noticed that on the EA Collector Release Notes https://www.logicmonitor.com/release-notes/ea-collector-29-104 there's now a known issue with SSE (Standalone Script Engine). We need to use the EA for the RADIUS and TACACS checks (requires 29.100+) so would you be able to tell us any details on how that known issue manifests itself? (The good news is that we're not in prod yet with the RADIUS or TACACS, but we need to be in early January.) Would you be able to explain a bit about what the SSE is and what it does? (Sorry if you said that already and I missed it.) Oh wow - on your screen there was showing EA 29.105 which wasn't there just last night!! Maybe that's the fixed SSE. I'll try it!!! Yep - 29.105 is now available on our portal also. W00t!
[8:37] I have all HP/Aruba switches in my environment, some are monitored and some are not. I need a network diagram showing them all, including connectivity to monitored and non-monitored Windows servers. Can LogicMonitor create a network diagram showing everything? Would this be suitable for discovering new devices but not automatically add them to monitored devices? I don't want to go over my license allocation?
[16:30] Are there new wildcards that can be used with JDBC connection collection to account for the new MSSQL connections created through the Microsoft_SQLServer_Connections propert source? Discovery JDBC URL works by just telling it to use mssql, but collector attributes Url wants either the specific property source created like ##auto.mssqlserver.mssql_url## or a specifc string that wildcards the host, port, etc. We have cases where a server can have multiple property strings created and need to account for that. the new property source builds out the whole string like you displayed, but each version will be a new property. so if we have 2 SQL instances each one would be a property created, but to use the standard JDBC data sources I have to make duplicate data sources with each having rhe unique property entered as the Collector Url. It seems to stuggle with the standard string wildcarded like you displayed where there is multiple values to a single wildcard like DBName or DBPort can have multiple
[18:20] can we create a map for depicting devices in AWS VPCs? we have AWS Subaccounts, and within them, VPCs. COuld a map with top level as AWS account, and VPC hierarchy be created?
Stuart says: I'll provide some more info on this, including how to setup the Mario Topology, which can be used as an example for creating the AWS VPC to Subaccount mapping. Stay tuned.
[22:01] Iām in the process of switching my Meraki gear over to API calls for monitoring. During this time, I noticed that there are gaps in data frequently (usually 5 minutes at a time). It almost seems like a specific polling instance failed. Is this a common issue with monitoring Meraki devices? Secondly, on Meraki org and Network instances, the snmp setting system.categories MerakiAPIOrg,NoPing. Yet On each of my org and network instances, it is throwing alarms due to no ping data. Is this a bug or should I go in and uncheck the monitoring for ping on those devices?
[Another participant]: I have had discovery issues where the NoPing is not correctly applied to start and running a manual "Run Manual Discovery" gets the "Ping removed. I also raised a case about this with my CSM last week with the lag and because the NoPing seems to also think the devices are "Dead" at times
[Original Asker]: I added them with a groovy script
[Original Asker]: my applies to has isDevice()
[29:45] Hello. Question: I'm attempting to add an email distribution group to an escalation chain. When adding the specified group to the "Recipient" under "Stages", I'm getting an error stating that I have to select a group from the prepopulated groups. Is this by design? I can add individuals, but not new dist groups.
[31:53] How to remove devices from one collector (Windows) and add it to another collector (Linux), we are not using the same SNMP credential, v3, different username/password. We plan to decommission the Windows collector.
[33:37] Is there a way to add arbitrary emals to a scheduled report?
[Another participant]: you have to hit enter after typing the email in to keep it
[37:49] Can you go over snmp walk? We are trying to add a Cisco Wireless Controller.
[44:04] Another Meraki question ... the DNS name for the API method for Meraki gear has them end in .invalid. On the orgs and networks, the DNS is also throwing an alarm ... would I add && !contains(invalid) to the DNS datasource properties to exclude them from DNS checks?
[45:10] Can you demonstrate how you might troubleshoot high memory utilization on a windows collector? I sometimes find it difficult to isolate which devices or datasources are specifically taxing the collector.
[Another Participant]: We LOVE the "No Data" DataSources!! They are so helpful!
[Another Participant]: One note of caution: Since the amount of work to monitor the "No Data" relates to the number of Instances, you can actually overload your Collectors trying to monitor "No Data" if you're not careful.
[Another Participant]: The metrics data source is depricated with v145 as there are now several new data sources with more data
"No Data" DataSources: a href="https://communities.logicmonitor.com/topic/3396-universal-no-data-monitoring/?tab=comments#comment-7903" rel="">https://communities.logicmonitor.com/topic/3396-universal-no-data-monitoring/?tab=comments#comment-7903
Stuart's DataSources that give per device and per collector metrics: https://github.com/sweenig/lmcommunity/tree/master/CollectorLoad
[58:28] we are alerting on disk space. We have to monitor this windows PC due to its purpose. THe PC has one disk in two partitions. We added it to monitoring but the second partition is trigger a disk space. I dont' want it to trigger disk space on the second volume but under disk in resources the C:\D: show up together with the D:\ having an alarm. How do i go about stopping the alert for the second partition?
[Original Asker]: ok thank you. We're alerting on Physical Disks