What is Synthetic Monitoring?
Synthetic Monitoring is an active approach to testing a website or web service by simulating visitor requests to test for availability, performance, and function.
Synthetic monitoring uses emulation or scripted recordings of user interaction or transactions to create automated tests. These tests simulate a critical end user pathway or interaction on a website or web application.
The results of these tests give early insight into the quality of the end user experience by reporting metrics on availability and latency, and identifying potential issues.
LM Synthetics monitoring leverages Selenium—a trusted open-source browser automation and scripting tool to send Synthetics data to LogicMonitor.
LM Synthetics
LogicMonitor uses the following Selenium tools for the Synthetics monitoring solution:
Selenium GRID—Proxy server that allows tests to be executed on a device
Selenium IDE Chrome Extension—Browser recording tool that allows you to create and run the synthetics checks
The following diagram illustrates how LogicMonitor leverages Selenium to collect Synthetics data:
Allows you to find out as soon as possible if any site/web service is having any issues
Allows you to identify and solve problems quickly to prevent widespread performance issues.
Allows for more uptime and proper working of your website
Important factors for a website are page loading speed, performance and uptime.
Gives you the ability to track metrics over time, viewing trends for further analysis
Ping Checks
Simple test to see if a website is up and running
Alerts can be triggered based on if 1 or many locations are not able to ping the site insuring alerts are generated accurately.
The checks can be triggered to run up to every 1 minute
Website Checks
Standard Web Check
Displayed as “web checks” in LM interface
Performed by one or more geographically dispersed checkpoint locations
These locations are hosted by LM and external to your network
Overall purpose is to verify that your website is functioning appropriately for users outside of your network and to adequately reflect these user’ experiences.
Internal Web Check
Performed by one or more collectors internal to your network
Purpose is to verify that websites and cloud services (internal or external to your network) are functioning appropriately for users within your private network
Selenium Checks
Selenium synthetic checks are automated tests that use the Selenium web testing framework to simulate user interactions with a website or web application. These checks can be used to verify the functionality and performance of a website, such as checking that links are working properly, forms are submitting correctly, and pages are loading quickly. The tests can be run on a regular basis to ensure that the website is functioning as expected and to catch any issues early on.
They can measure how long it takes to complete a specific workflow/task, such as logins, page loading, verifying specific text, validating users can input data.
Selenium is the capstone item, they can check all end user access. This then segways into “we know there is a problem, now where is the problem”- enter APM/Logs. Ex. We get an alert that the login failed, now we would use other tools to figure out why/where. With the metrics, you will be able to tell exactly which check failed in the workflow process
Selenium Synthetics Dashboard
Adding Synthetics Website Test
Common Use Cases
MSP’s- tons of customers with different portals and keeping track with what's going on with all of those. They are meeting their SLA’s for uptime.
If a customer has any kind of website they want to ensure is accessible all the time.
Internal would be M365, or proprietary tool they built themselves.
External- e-commerce website- clicking on promo link, check out sequence. You can also see trends over time and you can see busy parts of the day where a load balancer might be beneficial.
Dev-ops might be interested in this and how it correlates with traces or push metrics we are sending. They can use synthetics as a “piece of the puzzle” to better understand the whole picture.
The app teams may want to verify the login process of the application is functioning correctly
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