Blog Post
- Anonymous
Yes, and rename the column. Really just wish we could give it a column name and an expression.
Column name: Ticket ID
Expression: ##externalticketid## ~= /PagerDuty: (.*?),.*/
- Joe_Williams
Been using this for years. Just wish we could strip the integration off. We use multiple integrations for ServiceNow to control various aspects of the incident creation, message, priority, etc…. And the integration names get in the way.
- Cole_McDonald
I'm trying to convince the mythical dev team ( I know they exist... I just never get feedback about any suggestions unless they happen to appear in a future release ) that being able to get at the externalticketid would be a fundamental game changer for many use cases. We have an integration to our ticketing system, and one to our messaging/communication platform. I'd love to create a ticket, attempt a self remediation using an external alerting script. Have the results of that either push a ticket update saying successful or add some standard triage data to the ticket (quser, nslookup, ipconfig, etc) with a delay to allow the ticket to self close... or if not, to the comms channels with a link to the ticket to make it easier for our engineers to get at the work rather than having to go fishing for the rest of our toolset before proceeding.
##externalticketid:<integrationName>## could return just the value of that one entry in the list of IDs. We're two years past this post... and it's still not implemented in a usable way.