Forum Discussion

David_Bond's avatar
10 months ago

UIv4 Dark Mode

Will UIv4 support dark mode preferences in the User Profile?

3 Replies

  • Ranjan's avatar
    Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager

    Yes, we are doing a gap analysis of UIv4 for accessibility and will overtime fix the identified gaps.

    @Daria Kempka can comment further.

  • Ranjan's avatar
    Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager

    @David Bond For UIv4 we are currently focused on getting parity and better experience compared to UIv3 and getting to GA.

    Dark Mode for UIv4 is currently not on our near term roadmap. If the situation changes we will post on the community.

  • Will UIv4 support dark mode preferences in the User Profile?

    I would like to second this request for a Dark Mode option

    This is more than a preference, this is an accessibility need for some of us. I certainly hope accessibility related requests are being planned on the roadmap. Too much bright white on my screens gives me a headache after a while even with a blue light filter activated.

    Thank you!