UIv4 Alert Tuning
UIv4 alert tuning is a great improvement over UIv3 because of the ability to filter by DS name. It's the only piece of UIv4 that I choose to use over UIv3. However, there is still a big problem with it:
DS name != DS name.
Every DS has two names, the name and the display name. The name must be unique and usually is one word (though interestingly doesn't have to be). The display name does not have to be unique. This is a good thing because some DSs while having different names and gathering data differently represent the same family of data. Count how many DSs are for CPU. It's nice that they can all share the same name (though because of development happening across years/decades with different developers it isn't consistently done. I'm ranting; back on topic...)
When you search for a datasource, you cannot search by unique name, but only by display name. So if you want to modify a threshold for one datasource and there are two others with the same display name, it can be really difficult to tell which datasource you're editing.
Consider this case: I need to modify the thresholds for VMware_vCenter_VMSnapshots. Which one is it? Hint: the other is "VMware_vSphere_VMSnapshots". Can you tell which is which?
- Give us the option to display the module's unique name in the table
- Give us a checkbox that will turn on display of the module's unique name in the search results. Those who don't care won't turn it on, but for those who do we can turn it on and not have to guess which module we're customizing thresholds for.