Forum Discussion

Sarah_Luna's avatar
Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager
3 years ago

Reports UIv4 now available!

Reports UIV4 can now be toggled on at the top of the Reports screen. Check out some of the new features including:

  • a revamped reports tree navigation

  • new reports listing overview with search

  • easy report action access

This is a per user setting. You can also easily toggle between UIv3 and UIv4 to see what’s changed. The Reports support doc has a more in depth view of what’s now available. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new UI and know more about how we can improve!

  • Just a few quick observations I have seen so far.

    • Inline help appears every time I click the left or right arrow to show more report types.
    • Selecting a filter causes the inline help to auto appear.
    • Users with no settings access still get Portal report types listed. This will cause possible issues with clients. They can create the reports, but due to access they can’t load any info.
    • The bottom toast bar doesn’t auto clear, so I can create a report, run it, delete it. Then I have to clear each toast for each action.
    • Creating a report then running it, doesn’t auto refresh the left bar where the report should be listed.
    • Custom columns are not available in the Alerts report. This is needed so we can get back the externalticketid since customColumns have been broken in the API calls for a while now.