Forum Discussion

A11ey's avatar
Former Employee
3 years ago

Open Beta for LM Envision’s New UI

LM Envision’s New UI offers a platform-wide consistent experience for alerts, maps, search, filters, and icon placement. In addition, you will see improved productivity through features such as resource-level dashboards tabs and the newly optimized tree and topology navigation. 


Open Beta Process

During this open beta period, we are asking that your team members flip the toggle and explore all the new features and functionality while attempting to complete their workflows in the new UI. Any identified bugs or feedback on critical functionality loss will help us to ensure your success and value in this new offering. 

*We are aware of intermittent performance issues on the Resources page, and our UI team is actively addressing this. Please do not let it deter you from testing and providing feedback on the new platform experience. 

Identified bugs or feedback can be submitted through the following routes:

  • Bugs: Please submit directly through the “Submit a Support Ticket” option using your instance. The more specific you can be on where you experienced the bug, the better.

  • Functionality Feedback: Please use the FEEDBACK option within your LogicMonitor instance.

  • Connect to your Community: Please use the Open Beta Community Group* to share directly with Product Managers, discuss ideas with other open beta members, and get real-time updates on new developments.


*Please note, new members will need to create a Community account using the same email used in your LogicMonitor instance. If you were a member of the previous Community, you must reset your password to access the group. 

Additional UI Enhancements

Additional components of the New UI will soon be made available to you through the standard releases schedule, such as a toggle for a new Dashboards experience, and refreshed capabilities in Settings. Please be on the lookout for those and start beta testing as soon as you can.

Additional Information and Training

  • Watch our on-demand New UI Webinar in LM Academy, where our trainers conduct a walkthrough of many features of the New UI. 

  • Explore the New UI with a self-paced eLearning course in LM Academy.

Any immediate questions or concerns can be directed to your accounts team, or feel free to reply directly to this email.

We appreciate your time and support in advance and look forward to hearing from you!

The LogicMonitor Product Team

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