Morning folks, encountered a few things today forcing myself to try the new UI more…
- left nav: criticality icons don’t show on collapsed items, hard to find the offending ‘Source
- poll now: no longer shows the error that can be troubleshot, nor anywhere to see what the error would have been.
- main top: server name no longer shows displayname (name) as it once did. We use this to show both device name and ip address at a glance.
- info main: missing column resize between main and groups panes
- info table pane: preference, property names column should show full width, data is second, inheritance and type are of less importance for display and can be thinner/truncated, and should both be to the right of the actual pertinent troubleshooting data.
- performance: same slowness / responsiveness issues mentioned above. During actual troubleshooting for an incident, I have to switch back to the old UI as it’s unusably slow for a critical response. Too high an increase in our MTTR.
- add device wizard: Finish doesn’t take you back to the group you were in when you started the process, still issues with the group navigation from the old UI… I assume that code hasn’t changed at all. Best case for me, precedence should be:
- previous group
- static group/s: probably per alpha to match threshold evaluation precedence
- dynamic groups: probably per alpha to match threshold evaluation precedence