Forum Discussion

VV's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
2 years ago

What's the best, simplest way to try and explain collector capacity to a new admin?

What verbiage do you use? What can we tell people up front to help them make an educated decision about number of collectors and collector sizing, but not overthink it? 

2 Replies

  • VV's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Collector capacity is dynamic, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to calculate an exact capacity for any given collector. It’s not only based on the amount of resources allocated to a collector, but on how quickly those resources respond to it. If resources stop responding, the collector’s worker threads get tied up for much longer than they would with successful data collection, and this can have a huge impact on overall capacity.

  • The batchscript collection method adds so much more workload to the collector even if the end ‘method’ is an snmpget.  For example the new SNMP_Network_Interfaces which replaces the old snmp64_If-.