Forum Discussion

Tmobile's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
11 months ago

Unable to add attachment when replying to a post

It appears that the attachment button is broken when replying to a post. I wanted to add an .xml file to my reply to help a user and it won't let me do so. Is this by design or a bug? 

  • Anonymous , correct, default permissions did not allow. Tmobile you should be able to attach files now! 

    Parameters below:

    File extensions for attachments       jpg, gif, png

    Maximum attachment file size for upload 5MB

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Concur. It's happening for me too. Might be a permissions thing. A11ey ?

  • A11ey's avatar
    Former Employee

    Anonymous , correct, default permissions did not allow. Tmobile you should be able to attach files now! 

    Parameters below:

    File extensions for attachments       jpg, gif, png

    Maximum attachment file size for upload 5MB

    • Tmobile's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Thank you, the button now works. I'm curious though as to why the only allowed attachment types are jpg, gif or png. How do you expect users to share DataSources on this forum? 

      • Anonymous's avatar

        They don't want us sharing datasources here. They want us posting them to the exchange so it's easy for other customers to install them in their portals.

        Also, since you can't edit posts here, making updates of any size would mean posting a new version of the code (while the old is still there). So people who don't read all the way down (or who have problems following the thread given the utterly frustrating collapsing that happens here) might grab a broken version of the code.

        This is why I started a few years ago to just post to my github repo. That way i can update it any time i want. Also, it doesn't have to go through code review from LM which can take between a few weeks and several years because it doesn't appear to be part of any LMer's actual job description. 

  • Is anyone else seeing the same behavior? I've tried this on Google Chrome Version 119.0.6045.106, Microsoft Edge Version 124.0.2478.80 and Firefox 115.9.1esr all with the same result.