Forum Discussion

Stuart_Weenig's avatar
Icon for Mastermind rankMastermind
4 months ago

Is there a way to filter out which categories show up in the "most recent" feed?

Or any way to see a filtered feed? I don't care about the customer stories.

6 Replies

  • Tech talk is something I'll probably never be interested in. It's sounds too salesy. If it's a post about a product feature or how to do something, it should just be in product discussions. 

    Technical communications - i'm on the fence. Not sure what kind of stuff will go in there. The one thing that is in there is interesting.

    The bigger issue is that there's no way a user can customize the content areas that he sees in a feed? I've already tried using my notifications page, but that shows likes too (even though i've got likes notifications turned off), so that feed is too busy.

    • A11ey's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      Tech Talk is intended to be how-tos, new feature posts, and updates, not about sales.  I've added an idea for customized feeds, and unread feeds!

  • A11ey's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    There are lot's of options, just not something end users can configure. I am sure there are several people who want a different view and to filter out what they want/do not want to see.   If you can tell me exactly what you DO want to see, then I can check to see if there is some widget configuration that can get you closer. 

  • That's a bummer. Not being able to focus on the stuff I'm interested in means the community is all or nothing. Either i see everything in the community or i drop out and see nothing.

  • A11ey's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Feeds are based on structure. There are 2 main categories Product & Customer.  Parent Categories will show content from the children, children/forums show whats in each of those. While Community Home shows everything. 
    The choices are below, and while I can select what goes here based on structure, users cannot filter their content based on structure.