Tech Talk
Nice little trick when needing to match against a number of devices
2 years agoWe have many situations where we need to address a number of devices based on certain properties so we made a small function take you choice of language hit up the API you get a list of devices back with the device id which you can use in further loops
Endpoint /santaba/rest/functions comes back in a object under currentMatches
JSON body:
"type": "testAppliesTo",
"originalAppliesTo": "your-applies-to-filter",
"currentAppliesTo": "your-applies-to-filter"
An example of us using it was we needed to identify and tag hundreds of devices using this combined with LM python wrapper made it simple much nicer than making a CSV and looping
Would be nice to see this as a method in the SDK rather than a monkey patch though ;)
Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0Michael_Baker
Joined September 08, 2020
Tech Talk
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